Wicked Scoops™
You get random witchcraft supplies that are more on the wicked side.
Your scoop will be fulfilled live on the next event. Some items you may find in your scoops:
Slain Serial Killer Grave Dirt- Hexing/Defense magic
First Burial Grave-Any bidding
Three Way Crossroad Cemetery Dirt-Remove Blockages from path/Help find path/Make decisions/Working with Hekate
Suicide Grave Dirt- Hexing/Defense magic/Heal someone who has these types of thoughts
Pet Grave-Protection/Loyalty/Help heal pets
Cemetery Entrance-Protection against cemetery attchments/Working with the dead
Infant- Bring joy/Youthfulness/New beginnings/Fertility (baby or idea)
Mugwort-To boost your witchcraft abilities/Divination/Safe travel
Wormwood-Opening communications with spirits/Ancestor work
Rose- Self love/Empowerment/Love drawing
Basil-Money/Ptotect home from evil/Protection
Patchouli-Money/Love drawing/Unhexing
Yarrow-Spiritual cleansing/Bravery/Dream divination
Eucalyptus-Spiritual cleansing/Protect from hexes/Wards off evil
Hyssop-Home blessings
Orange Peel-Love drawing/Bring happiness back to marriage
White Clover- Protect from evil
Sweet Pea(Cemetery)-Blissful pleasure
Sandalwood-Add power to incenses/Wish making/Happiness in home/Safety
Frankincense- Spiritual Rituals/Archangel Michael/
Dragon's Blood-Luck ni love & money/Ward off evil/Boosts all intentions
Coyote-Protection/Defense magic
Shark Teeth- To go headstrong into new projects/Defense magic
Buffalo Teeth-Abundance/Aids in manifesting
Mink- Bring mischief
Deer-Ancestor work/Artemis/Gentleness
Alligator Feet-Good luck especially in gambling/Use as a vessel representing a hand, bind a charm to it
Chicken Feet- To expose truth/Use as a vessel representing a hand, bind a charm to it
Other Misc. Items
Bells-You can make witch bells for your home(or to sell).
Stickers-Use in grimoire or in spells
Worry dolls-Give them your worry, sleep with it under your pillow, worry will be less. Carry them on you, put in bag, put on altar, burn or bury. Can also be used as a mini voodoo doll.
Crystals-Chips & Tumbles
Charms-Can be used on charm bags, made into jewelry, get creative!
Spell Scrolls
Charcoal Discs- Burn loose incense
Tealights- To do candle magic
Items in the cauldron are always changing! This list will grow constantly!